Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anatomy of an iBooks page

I'm trying to figure out how exactly iBooks treats an ePub file: which formatting it preserves, and which it ignores. The fact that it ignores any at all, is incredibly short-sighted. Nevertheless, given that limitation, it seems like a good idea to at least quantify what we’re dealing with so that those who wish to design a book can have a safe idea of what it might look like, once it’s on the iPad.

The first thing to note is that the size of a page in iBooks depends on whether you’re viewing it horizontally or vertically. If you’re viewing it vertically, there is a single page whose text area measures about 4.25" x 6"(roughly 11 x 15cm).

Anatomy of Vertical page in iBooks on iPad

If you’re viewing double pages horizontally, each one measures about 3" x 4" (about 7.5 x 10cm).

Anatomy of an iBooks page on iPad-1-1

But how big is the text? First, the resolution of the iPad screen is 132 pixels per inch. I’ve found that if your CSS specifies text of 1em, the text you get will be 10 points.

Finally, I’ve decided that the maximum width of an illustration with wrapped text (until we can apply dynamic sizes), should be between 200 and 250 pixels, so that there’s enough space for text around the edges.

If you’re adding a full page illustration, make sure it's no bigger than 600 x 860 pixels, or else it will be divided between pages (ew!).


  1. .... Great post !!!... The reason for my comment is to ask for help in creating an electronic book using the EPUB format, I use images and to IPAD visualize the images are missing or are not complete horizontally rotating the IPD HELP .... how do I solve this problem ..

  2. Great great post. This helped me to start virtualizing my books.

  3. I try to use font size on body tag 62.5% and for other html tags I used EMs, but when I change ipad orientation font size dont change?


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