Thursday, February 23, 2012

Membership to Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis

Update: I just wanted to emphasize that becoming a member is completely voluntary, and I plan to keep posting information to this blog, and keeping it open to everyone, members and browsers alike. The member benefits described below are above and beyond the actual content offered here. (And the response has been totally gratifying and heartwarming. Thank you!)

Update #2: I priced the Level 4 subscription too low. It should be $1500, and not $1000. I was going for round numbers and should've thought it through more completely. And note that it will be much easier to schedule consulting sessions if you don't leave them all until the last month!

I spend a lot of time running very specific edge-case examples in EPUB and Kindle/mobi. Sometimes I think they're too close to the edge (even though they're really not) and I don't know if people find them that useful. But then I get a comment on a post that says, “Thank you so much for this, I was tearing my hair out until I found it.” Those comments make my day.

Another kind of note I get is, “You should charge more for your books.” (I like that kind too :)

I want to keep my books competitively priced and I have every intention of continuing to publish this blog and make its contents freely available. But that doesn't mean you can't help :)

So, I've decided to create a membership program for Pigs, Gourds, and Wikis. If you would like to support this blog and the testing I do around EPUB production (and occasional gourd crafting and animal raising), I invite you to become a member.

I have created a number of membership levels with different benefits:

Basic Membership - $20/year

When you become a member, you will get a 10% discount on all of my books sold through my website, and will have the option of automatically receiving blog posts via email when they are published. I will also acknowledge your support on my Membership page with your name and a link to your website, if you want. You will also know that you're helping support my EPUB testing and documentation efforts so that I can continue to write books on the subject.

Level 2 Membership - $75/year

You will receive all the benefits from Basic Membership plus a 1/2 hour consultation via Skype, iChat, or email (in English, Spanish, or Catalan). This might be an overview of how to get started in EPUB, a troubleshooting session for a book that's just not coming out right, or some help with an advanced feature in ebook production.

Level 3 Membership - $150/year

You will receive all the benefits from Basic Membership, plus a full hour consultation via Skype, iChat, or email (in English, Spanish, or Catalan). Again, this might be an overview of how to get started in EPUB, a troubleshooting session for a book that's just not coming out right, or some help with an advanced feature in ebook production.

Level 4 Membership - $1500/year

You will receive all the benefits from Basic Membership plus a full hour consultation each month over the course of the year. Any time not used in a given month can roll over to the following month, but not to other years.

Subscription Level
Email options
Name for Acknowledgement

Note that you do not need a Paypal account to use this subscription form, you can pay with practically any major credit card. Also, you can send me the URL to which I should link your Acknowledgement. I will send you a confirmation that asks for any changes as well.

Thank you

Thank you so much for your support. Other ways you can help are by talking about my books with your colleagues and by writing reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Goodreads or any other site where my books are listed.

I am also available for EPUB troubleshooting, consultation, and training above and beyond the membership benefits. Please email me for details.


  1. Seriously? Blah... no thanks. So much for people helping people.

    1. "So much for people helping people?" Do you even know what you are talking about? Liz has been way more generous than most, and the information she's been providing for free is top notch.

  2. This sounds very fair. Question: would there be any way to do level 4 but with the twelve hours over two months?

    1. Yes, but do note that I originally mispriced the Level 4 subscription. It should be $1500. I'm happy to give you more info or quote a specific project: lcastro at

  3. I wish I could afford the highest level but my little ebook business isn't to "that" level yet to allow me to afford it....Soon though! Question: On the lower level memberships is the 1/2 and 1 hour skype sessions per month or a one time thing?

    1. They are one-time sessions. I am often on Twitter (@lizcastro) and post a lot here too, so hopefully you can still get the info you need.

  4. If our business were not failing, I'd at least do the level one. Maybe things will get better. But failing membership, at least I have your books. And you have my gratitude. You have a much more systematic mind than I do, and I LOVE the tests you run. I learn from every one. You one swell and selfless cookie, woman.


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