Monday, November 8, 2010

EPUB Webinar Wednesday, Nov 17 (and more!)

There are a lot of things that have changed about me since I was 15, but wanting to be a teacher has remained constant. OK, it's true I didn't enjoy teaching high-school Spanish (at Princeton Day School in 1986!), but I have always loved explaining thing and feel lucky that I figured out a way to make a living at it.

There is one thing that has eluded me since my days teaching Spanish though: standing up in front of a live audience. I've dabbled with a screencast here and there, but though I've been invited to talk at several different conferences, I've always shied away from to speaking in public. Until now.

David Blatner and Anne-Marie Concepción, InDesign Gurus extraordinaire have invited me to do two EPUB related webinars for InDesign Secrets. The first, InDesign to EPUB with Liz Castro, on November 17 at 10am PT, will be a 75 minute survey course, explaining how to go from InDesign CS4 or CS5 to validated EPUB. I'll show you both how to go from an existing InDesign document originally created for print, as well as what you need to keep in mind in order to create InDesign documents that can be leveraged for both print and digital editions of your books.

Early Bird Tickets are available until Wednesday, November 10th (acks, that's the day after tomorrow!). You can get an extra 10% off just because you read my blog (or follow me on Twitter) by using the discount code GOURDS. (You gotta love David's sense of humor :)

On Wednesday, December 1, also at 10am Pacific (which is 1pm on the East Coast and 7pm here in Central Europe), I'll be doing the second EPUB Webinar: Advanced EPUB Formatting with Liz Castro. In that class, which also lasts 75 minutes, I'll show you how to crack open your EPUB document and add and adjust formatting by hand, including special fonts, keeping elements together, text wrapped around images, and much more.

You can take advantage of early bird pricing by buying your ticket to the second webinar by November 24. And don't forget to get your extra 10% discount by using the GOURDS code!

Ah, you say, that's not standing in front of a live audience! Well, I'm getting there :) For those of you on this side of the pond, I will be giving a talk (in Spanish) in Santiago de Compostela—which many say is the most beautiful city in Spain—on EPUB and how we got here on November 25th at the Trends & Creativity [GL] conference put on by the Clúster do Produto Gráfico e do Libro Galego [GL]. Many thanks to my Twitter friend Tati Mancebo for connecting me up with those folks.


  1. You're welcome, or better, You'll be welcome on 25th, when I pick you up at the airport ;)

  2. Nice to know that you will be coming to Santiago (where I work) in few days, we hacked together for a while building the Future of education demo at Drumbeat BCN :)

    Looking forward to see your talk

  3. Berto, wow, small world. I look forward to seeing you again. And thanks for pointing me to Dave's post, I hadn't seen it.

    And Tati, thank you for coming to pick me up--that's so nice of you!

  4. Hey there, love your blog, just finished reading your HTML, XHTML, and CSS, 6th Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide. It was recommended to me by a friend who promised I'll understand programming if I'll read your book. She was right. :)


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