Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Egg Gourds

I'm getting ready for an upcoming craft show and today my order of 100 egg gourds arrived from a farm in Michigan... I'm sort of weird this way, but I thought they were really beautiful. They were amazingly uniform, and looked just like chicken eggs (albeit, with moldy skin on the outside :) Unlike eggs of course, they have hard, thick, resistant shells. They don't break easily. Inside, there are seeds that rattle around when you shake them.

Egg Gourds

Cleaning the egg gourds is really easy. I just put them in the sink for a few minutes with a couple of tablespoons of bleach, covering them with a towel so they stay under water. Then I scrub each one with a copper scouring pad. (Copper's good because it doesn't rust and because it conforms to the shape of the gourds.) I always wear gloves, especially when working with bleach.

Now I'm going to start decorating them!


  1. I have to confess, until I stumbled onto your blog, I had no idea there were so many varieties of gourds! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with these.

  2. I live in Michigan and have been looking for egg gourds. Would you mind sharing the information where you bought yours from?

  3. Not at all. They're from Eckler Farms, in Niles, Michigan. They sent me 100 egg gourds and almost every single one was perfectly shaped, and only a very few had blemishes. I was very pleased. (Though this year, I want to try to grow my own.)

    Do you live near Niles?


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