Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Monarchs in Bloom

My son said yesterday, "Mom, the monarchs are about to bloom!" And they were. In fact, we found one of them already hatched early this morning, but the second was kind enough to wait until we had all gathered around at 10:30 or so. I took lots of pictures.

They are so amazing and so beautiful to watch.

Hatching Monarch 10:29:32 am Hatching Monarch 10:29:48 am Hatching Monarch 10:30:04 am Hatching Monarch 10:31:09 am Hatching Monarch 10:33:23 am Hatching Monarch 10:37:33 am Hatching Monarch 10:37:51 am Hatching Monarch 10:39:27 am Hatching Monarch 10:40:03 am Hatching Monarch 10:47:10 am

Hatching Monarch 10:49:10 am


  1. Oh wow. I recently went to Natural Bridges, CA, where there's supposed to be a large population of Monarchs nesting ... before March. I'm so sorry I missed it, because these are beautiful creatures!

  2. These are absolutely exquisite!! AWESOME photos!


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